• Last Will and Testament

  • Durable Power of Attorney

  • Advance Directive For Health Care

So what brings you here?

Maybe you have had a loved one pass,

and they didn't have a Will in place.

Or maybe you are thinking about your mortality.

If you do not have a will in place,

your family will be left to make all of the decisions for you.

If you pass away and do not have a will in place, your

children will be taken by the state and placed in foster care

until a judge determines a suitable person to care for them.

Best of all, it is 100% no charge!

Yes, that's right, at No-Cost to you!

If any of those reasons above brought you here,

then you have come to the right place.

If you just happened to land here,

then I urge you to please think about your family.

Are you prepared to leave them what is rightfully theirs?

What is a Will & Testament

and why is it so important?

If you are like most Americans, you have heard of a Will,

but probably don't have one. You are not alone.

Over 68% of Americans today

DO NOT have a Will in place!*

This is alarming because the purpose of a Will

is to make sure your assets are properly handled when you die.

Homes, cars, savings, life insurance and much more

are all documented in a Will.

According to's 2024 survey 40% of Americans don't even think they

have enough assets to create a will.

Sound important? It is.

Did you know? If you die without a Will in place, the State decides where your assets go.

What is a Living Will and why is it so important?

A Living Will, also known as an Advance Directive, protects you when you have no voice. It lays out your final wishes in the event that you can no longer make those decisions yourself, or you can no longer communicate what you want or need.

Don't leave your family unprotected

We have come across thousands of people who were unprepared for the death of their loved one, unprepared in the sense that they did not know what their loved one’s wanted in their final moments of life. So why do that to your family when you do not have to?

The Free Will Kit contains instructions to help you complete your Last Will and Testament, Durable Power of Attorney, and Advance Directive for Health Care.

Why wait, order now!

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Disclaimer: The author, the publisher and the vendor of these forms makes no representations or warranties regarding the outcome or the use to which these forms are put and are not assuming any liability for any claims, losses, or damages arising out of the use of these forms. The user should not rely on the author or the publisher of these forms for any professional advice. Always consult with a lawyer regarding the rules and regulations governing your residing state/province. The information provided is for illustrative purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact an attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issues and concerns related to the drafting of wills and other legal documents. Remember that individual situations and estate planning needs differ, and this Kit may not be suitable for your specific circumstances. Kit may vary upon receipt.

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